Monday, July 13, 2009

In search of...

A few good books to read while I'm nursing.

Tell me your favorites.


Marcy said...

"These is my words" by Nancy Turner is hands down my favorite book ever. It's the first in a it! After I get it back from a friend, I'd be happy to loan it to ya!

"Austenland" by Shannon Hale is a quick, light read. It's the era we like Alicia and it's a romance novel---but a clean one.

"The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins is great too. It's an 1859 novel.

I'm currently reading Jane Eyre's been a while.

I'll have to tell you in person my ALL time favorite books :)

Ben and Janelle said...

Pride and Prejudice, Master, The Giver, Christy.

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

I just finished the "Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" and LOVED it. Also, since you are having a little boy you should read "A Boy's Life". So cute. And I have also read These is My Words and it is fantastic, although I have to say I didn't love the sequels as much as the first... Congrats on the upcoming baby!

Ashley said...

I like "The Lady's No. 1 Detective Agency" series by Alexander McCall Smith...because they all take place in the country of my heart, Bostwana.
They're simple, light reading and very funny. Not sure if they're you're style...but they tell life lessons in a funny, uncomplicated way. And you can get through a whole book quite quickly.

Ashley said...

Oops...silly me, I should have spelled "Ladies" instead of "Lady's"...sorry!

Alicia said...

Thanks ladies! Can't wait to read your faves!

Brooke Wilkins said...

"Lust for Life" by Irving Stone, its about Van Gough, historical fiction, great book.

Emily Judd said...

just heard about one Nathan's cousin read that he said the story would be among his top 5 ever. Called "the hunger games". I am going to look for it tomorrow!