Thursday, November 12, 2009


One little punkin and a cowgirl (who was oft mistaken for a cowboy--poor kiddo).

Total cost? Nada.

Shirt, hat, bandana and pumpkin costume: borrowed

Vest: I turned a paper sack inside out, cut out a pattern and stapled the pieces together. Then I soaked it in water, crumpled it in a ball and let it dry in the sun to give it a weathered leather look.

And in the grand tradition of the S. family Sage carried a pillowcase to stash her candy in.


Shane was out of town in Colorado. He missed seeing our kiddos all dressed up but he did catch a Halloween parade. Here's our favorite costume from that night:

Pretty sure that name tag says "Brother Locos" as in in "Brother Crazy." Ha! He's loco if he doesn't know that he's holding a treasure in his hands.

1 comment:

Melissa Walton said...

Shane dressed up on his own? Hard to believe! Where is the pumpkin??