Sunday, April 25, 2010

God is watching over all.

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I like to sleep in my spare time these days but I ought to put a few things down so I don't forget.

Sage, Micah and I spent 5 weeks in Virginia with my family. We went in part to try a new treatment for Micah and in bigger part to be taken care of. It was wonderful to be loved and fed fabulous food and have the chance to nap any time I wanted to and to know that Sage and Micah were well taken care of. One night my parents took Micah all night so I could sleep, my first full night of rest since his birth. I feel so grateful to have such loving parents and siblings. Those weeks were rejuvenating and I felt ready to return home, knowing it would be hard but feeling ready for the challenge.

Thanks to mom's gift giving proclivity we left VA with much more than we came with. This meant that in addition to checking luggage we had to carry on a small suitcase, stroller, cooler (full of milk for M.), Sage's backpack and a purse. When I arrived at the airport I wondered how this day would go. I anticipated that it might be Hades. But....Sage was an angel, cheerful and thrilled to be traveling (ok ok she's almost always cheerful but still...). She either pushed the stroller (heavy laden with the cooler and my purse, her backpack) or pulled the little suitcase all through the airport and onto the plane. All along the way people offered help carrying things. When we got on the plane we randomly chose a seat by a nice looking middle-aged lady...hands down the best decision I've made in a long time. Turns out Terry is a 2nd grade teacher and a mom. Perfect. I warned her that there might be crying, she smiled and said she understood.

Little did she know.

Sage was happy and Micah fussed a little here and there. Pretty soon Micah had a blowout (of the poopy variety). I left a sleeping Sage with Terry and headed to the bathroom. No extra pants so those poopy pants went right back on Micah...poor kid. I returned and Terry told me that Sage woke up, cried a little and went back to sleep...phew!

Halfway through the flight I heard a cough coming from Sage. You know that cough mamas....the dreaded puking cough. I freeze and move like a turtle when crisis comes but thankfully my seatmate was on the ball and had her vomit bag open and handed it to me. I handed Terry a crying, squirming Micah and I managed to get the bag to Sage and Sage took the rest on her clothes. A few wipes, a fresh sweatshirt, a little drink and Sage was good as new.

We settled back into our seats. Pretty soon came Round 2 of puking. Then Round 3. each time Terry held a very unhappy Micah while I cleaned Sage up. What an angel! As we were getting ready to deplane Sage threw up one last time.

The point of this story?

Heavenly Father sent some tender mercies my way...I felt cool as cucumber the whole day in spite of our challenges. He sent kind people to help me make it through the day. One lady I talked to as we waited for our plane to arrive promised to pray for Micah by name. There is so much good in the world and so many kind people.

Every night I sing this little song to Micah:

God has numbered in the sky
All the stars that shine on high
worlds so great and sparrows small,
God is watching over all.

I know he is watching over my little family.


Emily Judd said...

what an incredible story/a nightmare! I'm so grateful that you had so much help and that things went so smoothly. That picture breaks my heart. I love the look on sage's face. I miss you guys so much! I wish I could take your kids so you could sleep!

Kassie said...

me too! I was so glad to spend the time with you and help when I could. I love you and you are such an amazing mama!!

Jen said...

Wait a minute! You were here for FIVE WEEKS and I never knew about it? I wish I'd known; we could have finally met each others kids - and even better I could have seen you!

I am glad you had good people help you on your trip. You are so amazing to see the blessings during your trials. A great example to the rest of us!

Next time... you better tell me when you're coming out here!

Marcy said...

I too am always impressed by your attitude, you're amazing! I take it Micah is still struggling and that means of course you guys are too. I'm so sorry :( Wish there was more I could offer other than prayers. Those kids are lucky to have you as their momma!

Love the pic :)

Camille said...

I am so glad you posted on your blog. I have been thinking about you and your family almost every day. I am glad you got to spend some wonderful time with family and got the chance to be well taken care of. I miss you guys! Give Sage and Micah big hugs for me.

camille said...

I have been waiting for an update and here you are!! :)

What a great story and such an uplifting one. Sure, I have tears from empathizing with what that plane ride must have been like, but your attitude, your kind and helpful seat mate and the blessings you were given were so inspiring. H.F. does show us such kind and tender mercies and he is aware of even those times when we are trapped on a plane with poopy and puking kids. Man alive, he totally gets it! So happy you had that time with your family and time to rest. I sure hope Micah is feeling better and that you know how much we think of you! xoxo

Ashley said...

Hey Lic!! I have been waiting for a blog post from you and I have been thinking of you so much. I really miss you loads and want to get together soon!
You are amazing dear and your attitude is an inspiration to me. I am far too negative and forget to see the Lord's hand in my life. Thank you for helping me remember.
I just want you to know that your family and especially your little guy are in our prayers. For what it's worth I'm adding all the faith I have on your behalf. As a mother now myself, I truly understand how difficult this must be for you. Despite the fact that this must be so difficult for Micah too, it seems like he is still the sweetest and cutest baby! Keep your chin up! Love you!

The Hickman Family said...

I can't believe you kept such a good attitude through that horrific plane ride! You are definitely a better person than me (but I've always known that). I would have broke down in tears. I really hope that new treatment you mentioned works for little Micah. Someday this trial will end!

Melissa Walton said...

That song you sing to Micah made me cry. What's the tune? I need to sing that one to myself today. It has been a hard day since they left. :(

Erin R. said...

Bless your heart! I hope that Micah feels better soon!

mb said...

You are such an inspiration as always! Love you!

SeeCampbell said...

How I wish you still lived here so I and so many others could help you! We miss you so much! Sidney was asking today if Sage is ever coming back! Micah is such a cutie!