Saturday, May 22, 2010

Advice From a Cleaning Lady

Room 834

We could also call this post Back From the Dead (I'm only half joking). I'll get to the cleaning lady later.

We just returned home from the hospital yesterday. Micah spent 10 days there.

Two Tuesdays ago he had had watery diarrhea and vomiting for 2 days. He was doing so badly, he'd lost so much weight and was so miserable and his skin so awful that we decided to take him to the emergency room here in Boulder.

The ER doc said, "No biggie" and sent us on to our GP who said, "I have no idea what to do for him," and sent us on to another doc who said, "I can't help but try this doc." Finally we ended up on the phone with a pediatrician. The ped said, "Let's see him in the morning," and I said "I don't think we should wait." Happily, the pediatrician agreed that I should go with my gut and take him ASAP. We would have taken him no matter what the ped said but it's nice to have a little affirmation.

Around 7:45 PM that night Shane and I were in the ER of Denver Children's Hospital. After almost 5 hours of waiting and talking intermittently with a doc and starting a glucose IV, Micah was admitted. He and I spent the wee hours of the morning talking to the docs on the 8th floor and then finally around sunrise fell asleep.

Each day was filled with doctor's visits, blood tests, IV's and nurses checking vitals (blood pressure, temp, pulse). Micah even had a small surgery. Because he was so dehydrated they couldn't keep an IV in so they put him under anesthesia and inserted a catheter, that ran from his arm to his heart. The PIC line (catheter) was a huge blessing because it allowed them to easily draw blood (twice a day) and give him IV fluids and supplements (like albumin). He also had an NG tube (feeding tube) for 5 days. ANother huge blessing that allowed him to be fed and given supplements easily.

In a nutshell here is what went wrong: Micah is extremely allergic to milk which we suspected since his eczema began soon after we started supplementing with formula. When kids are so allergic their colons get irritated (acute colitis) and stop absorbing protein. Lack of protein was the cause of Micah's weight loss, his extreme lethargy and irritability. His electrolyte levels were all low (scary because that can quickly cause problems) as well his zinc levels and Vitamin D. Bad news all around there.

We spent 10 days in the hospital getting his electrolytes back to normal. He stopped the donor milk (and my milk) he was drinking and started on a hypoallergenic formula; doing that allowed his skin to heal quite a bit. He looks so much better but there's still a ways to go. I don't particularly like the formula (causes lots of problems: constipation, diaper rash, a new rash on top of eczema) but it's helping him until we can switch him onto solids. He gained two pounds while we were there and returned to the happy, sweet Micah we haven't seen in a very long time.

The weeks leading up to his admission were pure agony. I cried every day, many times a day. I prayed constantly for wisdom to know how to help him. I was awful and mean and on edge (just ask Sage and Shane). But as soon as we stepped into the hospital the tears stopped and I felt a calm and peace that I haven't felt in many months.

This was a very hard time but as always there were glorious moments.

  • Holding Micah in my arms and watching the sun spread across the sky early one morning.
  • Watching him improve before my eyes and start playing and laughing again. It is pure joy hearing him giggle and chatter.
  • Realizing amidst all the sadness of a Children's Hospital that eczema really isn't so bad. There are so many other parents and children who suffer through far more terrible things. I met a mom whose 20-month-old son is on his third round of chemo. Another dad has an 18-month-old who has had a 6 month stay due to heart problems. And there were many others.

One night one of the staff housekeeping came to empty our trash. She asked a few questions about Micah's condition, admonished me to pray and shared some wisdom:

"Prayer and medicine work together."

Truer words were never spoken.


Kassie said...

so glad you're back! i miss you! oxoxo

Ashley said...

Hey Sweetie!! So glad things are looking up! Great advice from the cleaning lady...we're praying for you too! I'm sure it must be such a relief to have some answers. Let me know if you're still down here or if you come to TCH again. I live about 5 minutes away. I also have an unopended can of alimentum (if that's what they put Micah on??). Love you!

Melissa Walton said...

So glad you could enjoy the sunrise with Micah snuggled close. Those moments are precious...especially when surrounded by agony and frustration and a million other feelings. Maybe you should have used Ashlyn's quote from long ago "I'm as sad as Alice in Wonderland." Yep, I think I've cried a room full of tears before myself! I think of you so much. i can't imagine how hard this has been and still is. Love you lots! said...

Hi Alicia, so sorry Micah had to spend so much time in the hospital, but good to know he is doing better. I hope he continues to improve!

Emily Judd said...

Alicia you are such an incredible woman. You have amazing faith and such a positive outlook. I'm SO glad that Micah is getting better and that is so awesome he gained 2 pounds in 10 days! I hope things continue to get better and better.

Cynthia Hatch said...

wow! It sounds like you did a great job. Especially since you insisted that they didn't wait longer to help him. I don't think you know me all that well but I am Cindy Hatch (Dave Hatch's wife). Our family has gone through alot of the same type of scares with my son Nathan. He got really sick with the flu but then his body couldn't seem to fight it. He just got worse and worse. We finally ended up the the ER here in Payson and then when his vitals went crazy we were rushed up to Primary Children's Hospital. It turns out that he has Addison's and type 1 diabeties. My biggest concern as a mother is that I don't feel confident in my ablilty to take care of and keep my child healithy and safe. Boy motherhood can sure be a roller coaster ride. I hope all is well for you and your family.

Marcy said...

Oh Alicia, we've been praying for your family since we heard Micah was so sick, but had no idea it had gotten this bad. I'm SO sorry. Prayers and thoughts still being sent. I wish I was closer to take Sage for you. Hang in there you guys. I'm hoping sweet little Micah is on the up and up each and every day. I'm so sorry for all your suffering.


Camille said...

Now there are tears streaming down my face! I am so glad to hear you and the doctors were able to figure out all of those things and get them taken care of. Enjoy those giggles coming from Micah. I hope they stick around for ever!

Erin R. said...

I'm so glad that Micah is responding well to the new treatment and that he has put on some weight! It is never fun to be in the children's hospital. As my dad told me when we had a scare with Andrew.....he will not remember anything from this ordeal, but his parents will and should remember the lessons they learned about prayer, blessings, and relying on the spirit. I wish there was something we could do! Good luck!

debi said...

I'm glad to hear Micah's doing better. Hospital stays with your kids are pretty horrible, so I'm glad you're through it! Good luck!

Tati said...

Oh, I can't believe all that you have been through. I'm glad he is recovering and that you now know how he can be helped.

I'm glad you are loving Colorado. It looks beautiful We are glad to live closer to the mountains in Rancho and are excited to go camping soon.