Sunday, June 6, 2010

7-Year Itch & Fir-tee

Round here our anniversary and my birthday go together.

We celebrated 7 years last Sunday. We've had the seven-year-itch....not the usual kind but the Micah variety. His eczema has defined the past 6 months and maybe the next six. Whatever the case I'm grateful I can go through the ups and downs of life with Shane by my side. I can't imagine a more steady, kind, thoughtful, attentive and genuine man; he still makes my heart flutter when he kisses me. He has made these past 7 years my favorite years.

Shane's claim to fame in 7 years of marriage? He has never once said an unkind or hurtful thing to me. He has nothing but praise, loving words and an occasional suggestion thrown in.

And yesterday I turned thirty (or "fir-tee" as Sagie says). I think I'm going to like being over the hill. At least now it sounds like I'm catching up with Shane, who has been in his thirties for a long time.

We celebrated with a night on the town...first date in a very, very long time. We had a sweet babysitter who didn't mind Micah's waking and crying (thankfully only twice).

We ate at a fancy schmancy restaurant...the kind of place where a meal takes 2 hours and you're served sorbet between courses to cleanse the palate. Every bite was a treat. Then we walked downtown and wandered while reviewing aloud the past 7 years...the highs, the lows and everything in between. It was a lovely evening spent with my favorite person.

Here's to 7 more. And at least fifty more after that.


camille said...

Happy 7 and 30 to you, Alicia! That is so awesome and I have literal goose bumps from the sweet things you said about your hubby. You are not hard to praise and be nice to because you are such a sweet, caring and genuine person. You guys both hit the jackpot. Did I know that your bday and anniversary we so close? My bday is the day after our anniversary (which is next week...yay!). So fun and double the fun, eh? xo

Melissa Walton said...

Your post made me cry. So glad Shane found you! So glad you have Shane. A perfect match! So glad you are in our family! Love you!