Thursday, May 26, 2011

Micah sings.

It seems like every kiddo has a special love, for Micah it's music.  He is happiest when we're singing to him or he's listening to some good tunes; he loves Jack Johnson, Bach and Laurie Berkner equally well.

Micah learns little phrases from songs and walks around humming them. We first discovered that little talent about 6 months ago. Shane was humming "Frere Jacques", he paused for a moment and Micah hummed the next couple of bars for him.  That sure took us by surprise.

Recently we've been listening to a lot of "Sound of Music" and we've noticed Micah walking around singing, "Ah-do, ah-do ah-do ah-do, ah-do"  as in "Adieu, Adieu to you and you and you."  (Remember from that song where all Von Trapp kids sing at the ball?)

Lately Micah is digging scales.  This little video is him warming up his voice.


Emily Judd said...

aw so sweet. LOVE it!

Camille said...

That is the best! He did great. Fantastic! Seriously can't get over how cute that is.

liz said...

So adorable!

Allison said...

love it. He is so dear.

Marcy said...

Adorable!! And and I'm catching up on blogs---congratulations on baby Haven. What a birth story! So happy for you guys. xo

Melissa Walton said...

Adorable. Can't wait to see you guys soon! I hear we have a join birthday party on the 11th! It's a date.