Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guess who decided to show up?

This morning. Love that goofy grin.

Mr. Micah.  At church. All three hours.  First time in a year and a half.

I've been praying and hoping for this for a long time.  And I was dancing on the inside all day today.

Opening Micah's closet and seeing his little button down shirts hanging there, bought with a hopeful heart but never worn, was always a painful reminder of how far he had to go to leading a normal life.  Today, at long last, we got to put him in one of those cute little button downs; it made my heart just about burst with happiness.

Shane and I decided that since Micah is looking and feeling so good and napping so consistently that we should give the church thing a whirl.  In the past year and a half we've only attended as a family once.  We have been swapping Sundays staying home with Micah since he first got sick.

I stayed with Micah during the first hour of Nursery.  Shane was planning to stay the whole second hour but Micah was doing so well he decided to leave and it went off without a hitch.

I haven't seen Micah with kiddos his age so I really enjoyed my time in Nursery with him.  As I watched him play and occasionally interact with the other Nursery-ites (or should I say Bedlam-ites?  Name that Conference talk!) it confirmed once again that this kiddo is easy going and good-natured.

Micah was so worn out after his big day he didn't even make it through the 3-minute drive home.  Here he is snoozing away:

P.S. So I guess the question is: why is Micah better?  Well he's been doing something called Bodytalk.  I don't really understand it and it's kind of out there.  But guess what?  I don't care one bit as long as it works. Shane thinks this stuff is so out there that we now have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  He doesn't ask what happens at our appointments and I don't tell.  But that's what I love about Shane...he may not agree with or understand the whole Bodytalk business but he's willing to try it out.  At this point we'd probably drink yak pee if someone told us that it would get Micah better. 

P.P.S.  Isn't that tie darling?  My lovely friend Em made it.


Ashley said...

Lic- I love these pictures!!! Micah looks so handsome in his shirt and tie and I love that "goofy grin" in the first picture. What a handsome young man!
I am so excited and really hopeful that you have found something to help improve his condition and I truly pray that Micah will get better! Love you so much!

Emily Judd said...

hooray!I agree with Ashley! So handsome and freaking adorable! I want to know more about bodytalk. We should talk soon!

liz said...

Loved seeing your whole family at church together. Really enjoyed watching Micah look around and smile and grin at all of us behind you. Yay, for unusual treatments.

Nick and Ashleigh said...

He looks so good!! I'm so happy for you guys! Leah and I loved hanging out with him and Sage the other day, they are such great kids! Love your family and I'll keep praying that this bodytalk treatment keeps working! Let me know if you need me to come watch them again. Anytime!

The Hickman Family said...

Micah looks so good! And so adorable, I might add. I love the don't ask, don't tell policy you have!

Jess and Tom Roberts said...

he is adorable - p.s. my friends mom does the whole body talk thing. she SWEARS by it. im glad he's feeling better!!