Saturday, November 1, 2008


Door decor courtesy of Sage...notice she gave her witch a smiley face

A trip to the pumpkin farm...we took a wagon ride

There was a petting zoo too

Murder Mystery Party
UPS driver and secretary--we met on the job of course
(thanks for the duds C. and for the great party M!)

Carving the pumpkin

Can you tell who's mom is the make-up artist?

What the....?

All done for the night

The loot...she spread it all out and gloated over the sugary goodness

Just like last year Sage got to save 3 pieces. She chose a Tootsie Roll Pop, Milk Duds and M&M's. And I'm proud to say that this year, this mama did not salvage candy from the trash after her toddler went to bed.


Melissa Walton said...

Sage - you were lucky! You got 3 more than Nate!

Shane - you are a good sport to dress up with Alicia - probably nicer of a sport than Dave would have been.

Alicia - you make a cute secretary - leg kicked out and all! And you make an even cuter mama!

Emily Judd said...

Your costumes turned out great! I'm really impressed that you didn't go back to the trash for the candy. I love the "save only 3 pieces" idea. I can't stand watching the kid eat that much candy! Sage is such a cute little cat!

Marcy said...

How cute! Love the costumes. And I just had to mention that I saw that exact pumpkin yesterday while Spencer and I were doing prop 8 door hangings. lol...It tickled Spencer's funny bone and we were both laughing so hard (me more at Spencer) it was hysterical!

Looks like you guys had a great Halloween!

emily said...

We do something similar with the candy... the kids get to each as much as they want before bed, then they leave the rest out for The Great Pumpkin, who comes and takes it all and leaves them a toy instead. It works like a charm!!!

mb said...

GREAT idea! I've been wondering how to do that... do you just let them eat ALL of it halloween night and then puke their guts out? or ration it. but your idea is fab-o! (and i love your friend's great pumpkin idea!) all the cool people are on shane & alicia's blog.

we're trying to get back to being healthy after the move. it really took a toll on our eating habits. (fast food every day, trying to live without trader joes!!)

and did i tell you that your blog is the one i look forward to reading the most?! (insert gushy sappiness here!)

Erin R. said...

It looks like you guys had a great Halloween!!

Unknown said...

Cute beyond words!!

Sarah H said...

OH, sorry, I was signed in under Jason.