Monday, November 17, 2008

One of Sage's jobs is to clear her plate after a meal. One night, not too long ago, she hopped down from the table leaving her dish behind.

A: "Sage did you clear your plate?"

S: "I know I did! (walks back to table and sees the plate in question)
But it must have run back to the table!"


PJ and Julie said...

ha ha! I forgot to mention to you how cute you looked at the shower. I loved the purple jacket. Random, I know. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Kristi.
Ssoooo cute! I could totally imagine her saying that. she was just the cutest of cute when i got to spend time with her. i loved it. aaaanyways, I told sean this cute story and we had a good laugh. then he mentioned you guys should totally come out to hawaii (even though shane's already lived here). But he's never gone with you, so anyways, long story short, you are way more than invited and can stay and do whatever you'd like while here. if sage couldn't be watched anywhere else, i'd loove to hang out with her while you guys scavengered around so to speak. anyways, just a thought. take care and tell sage i said hi (and shaner too)