Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Growing Up

Sage and friends at the park

Sage has always been hesitant, even fearful, when it comes to new people and new situations. When visiting family she clings to us for the first few days, rarely answers questions directed at her and just seems kind of grumpy. During play dates with new friends she often won't play without me. Not my favorite trait but we've been working on it these past couple years. So imagine my surprise when of late it's as if someone flipped a switch.
  • She handed the tip to the car wash guy (pathetic that we So. Californians get our cars washed for us isn't it?)--a first
  • She's made new friends at the park, even stopping a grandma to ask her name--another first
  • Running to a neighbors (alone) to borrow something
  • At a field trip to the dentist's office today she was answering questions, chattering away with perfect strangers
  • In Primary she sings out and loves to volunteer answers and be a helper
Hooray for growing up!


Camille said...

That is very exciting. What a sweetheart she is!

Emily Judd said...

you are such a good mommy! unfortunatly i never grew out of that phase!