Friday, May 8, 2009

I absolutely loved this movie. Yes the subject matter is heavy, yes it's in French...but that's exactly what I love about it.This is the kind of movie Shane would NEVER want to see but the very kind I adore. The acting is perfectly understated and the music and cinematography are wonderful.

I love a good mystery and tale of redemption...this movie is both.

P.S. It's rated PG-13 for thematic material (i.e. heavy material) and smoking...never seen that one before. No sex, no cussing.


Kassie said...

I have it on my netflix q, can't wait to see it!

Sarah H said...

Thanks for the recommendation.

mb said...

So funny.. I just saw the previews for this on a movie we rented & said to bill, "i want to see that!" i've really never had that strong of desire to see a foreign film before... i think it was my subconscious remembering your post. :)