Saturday, February 28, 2009


This morning Sage was drinking a mango smoothie and got cold. She ran and put on her gloves and my beret; those helped but apparently not quite enough.

S: "My face is still cold."

A: "Well I'm not sure what you can do about that."

S: "How 'bout a beard? All over my face and neck...."

That ought to do it.


The Allen Family said...

Thats so funny! She'd look a little funny with a beard.

Anonymous said...

cute alicia! I miss your good food and smoothies. you'll have to tell sage i miss her too and that i had so much fun being with her. tell her that every time i see a bunny that looks like buttercup, i think of her! (and buttercup of course)

Anonymous said...

oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY of course!

Melissa Walton said...

Cute Sage! I'm jealous of your day trip to SF! Sounds so heavenly to be there for a day!