Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Micah says

testing out Sage's wings.

bah-uh-uh-uh (vacuum cleaner)
fie-sa-sa-sa (fly swatter)
be-da-da-da (blueberries)
key-da-da-da (cucumbers)
straw-la-la-la (strawberries)
meat!! (he yells this in a manly way)
bit-tee (binky)
biddy (birdie)
sissy (Sage)
mid-dee (music)
fun!  (he loves to yell this as after going on airplane ride with Shane or following a good chase around the living room)
Muck-ah (Micah)
Hay-dah (Haven)
Up High (when he wants to play "gimme 5")

When phone rings he will immediately say: Gam-ma (grandma), Kah-see (Kassie)

sad but true: he is SO good at not eating our food.  He'll just peek at it and say "mmmm."  He knows how to say cake, cookie, pizza, cheese, butter...all off limit foods.  But not forever we hope!!  And occasionally he steals bites of things but he knows he's being naughty...banana bread was his most recent swipe.

He loves to walk around humming or singing and we love it.

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