Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Micah Says

When I ask him to smile this is the face he makes

Micah loves to stand in front of the fridge, tug on the door and the following conversation ensues (keep in mind that this child wants to eat all the live long day):
M: Mama, can I have nothing? 
A: You want nothing?
M: Yeah.

Anytime I put his winter coat on he makes the request, "Can you my neighbor-hood on?"

Micah is still learning to be a good cleaner-upper.  He doesn't particularly enjoy cleaning and usually he tries to create more messes while I work.

Recently I was singing the Clean Up song when he chimed in for the last stanza, "Clean up, clean up everybody do my share." Some people might call it a cute mistake, I say Micah was going for accuracy.

Parting words at bedtime tonight (according to Shane): "I wish I could have more broccoli."


Emily Judd said...

oh my heck he is SOOO cute!

Marisa said...

haaa! Alicia, he is so funny!! :D
And it's good to know that Liesel isn't the only one to loves to graze allllll day!

Melissa Walton said...

Love all of his cute words!!!! Can't wait to see him soon!

Nick and Ashleigh said...

I like "everybody do my share" that's awesome :) Maybe if he and Leah play more often he can teach her to like broccoli too!