Sunday, August 5, 2012

Micah turns 3

Micah turned 3 on Friday.  We fed him all of his favorite foods. Coconut pancakes for breakfast. Hot dogs, potato chips, fruit leather and strawberries for lunch (cousins and Grandma joined us--hip hip!). Gluten-free, dairy-free pumpkin doughnuts (that Micah helped make) followed lunch. Out to dinner at Zolo's where he enjoyed fresh tortilla chips, spicy chicken wings, and bacon wrapped dates.  After dinner we played around at Grandrabbit's, a cool little toy store in town. The gifts: a scooter, a wading pool (thanks Grandma Mia!) and lots of water toys (thanks Grandma Shelly!)

More about the Micah Man:

I recently read, The Five Love Languages."  I decided that Micah's primary love language is physical touch.  He is constantly hugging and kissing all of us.  He loves to be cuddled and will take every and any opportunity to sit in a lap.  If my legs are stretched out on the floor, he parks himself on them.When he's sad or hurt or for no reason at all he'll ask, "Mommy can you hold me?"

Shane says he'll make a great salesman...he never takes no for an answer.  If I refuse him something he goes straight to Sage or Shane to ask.

He is semi-obsessed with mechanical things.  In a store or a home the first thing he notices are security cameras, smoke detectors and other sorts of contraptions.  Nothing makes him happier than to be fixing something with daddy: screwing things in, climbing on ladders etc.

His most requested night time story is the story of he and Shane taking a trip to Home Depot and hearing an alarm go off.  Pretty boring story, but he loves it and never tires of hearing it.

He almost always wakes up from his nap crying.  Hope that changes someday!!!

He is potty trained but has an occasional accident, especially of late.  We were wandering around the back yard the other evening looking for his binky and I discovered a few surprises he had left.  I told Shane we need to buy a pooper scooper.  He leaves poopy streaks on the toilet seat and loves to watch himself pee.

He still loves to sing.  I sing a hymn to him every night (we change it monthly) and recently it was "You Can Make the Pathway Bright."  I wasn't sure how well he knew until one night, as I sang the second stanza, he pulled his binky out and proceeded to finish the song off with me.  My heart was just about bursting with joy.  It's pretty darling to hear your toddler sing lines like, "If there's sunshine in your heart, you can send a shining ray that will turn the night to day..."

He still eats a lot of meat, "mullet" (millet), lots of pears, fruits, veggies.  His favorites are freeze dried mangoes, gluten free bread, cheese (he only gets this when he steals it) and bananas (his one baby word left..."dee-yaya").

He LOVES girly things: necklaces, purses, dresses, hair clips.  The life of a boy surrounded by women.

Quotes of late:

A few months ago he pulled the cover off of Pres. Monson's biography, "Das President Monson, he's out paw-fet!" That was one of those happy mom moments when you realize that what you're teaching is sticking.

Said all in one breath: "I love you mommy 'n i love mangoes."

He doesn't just want to build a castle out of blocks, his request is, "I wanna build a castle foundation."

His question of late when he doesn't understand something, "What you mean_________?"

He's a pretty polite kid (maybe cause his mom nags him constantly about it!) so all through the day I hear: "May i please_______?"

"Where does Heavenly Father live?"

"We need to go to the rain store and get some rain."

Alicia (sternly): "DON'T kick Haven."
Micah: "May I please kick myself?"

"Can I see Havens cute-iful dress?"

"Can Heavenwee Father sing me a song?"

He went through his politician stage when he denied all wrong doing, as in:

"I didn't go peepee." 
"I didn't put my binky in dere." (dropped binky in toilet full of poo).
 "I didn't spill dat."

We had the house painted recently and he told the painter a few times: "Dat looks beautiful."

Shane and I were going to bed on Micah's birthday and we both agreed that a prayer of thanks for Micah's good health was in order.  He's come such a long way.

That photo above was taken just 15 months ago.  We are so grateful to Heavenly Father for restoring Micah's health.

We sure love our boy.  My mom once told me that a son has a special place in your heart.  Oh what true words.  Maybe it's because Micah is a mini-Shane, maybe it's because he's just so darn cute but either way I'm always mugging on him and I delight in his smiles and mischevious ways.

Shane took the kids for a walk tonight and let Micah ride his bike (anything to get his energy out on Sunday!).  I was at the kitchen sink as they pulled in and so I had a perfect view of Micah.  He was dressed in his white undies (and nothin' else), Keens, riding his little Strider bike and....there was a purple plumeria flower tucked behind one ear.  He'd picked it up on his ride.  Classic Micah.


Camille said...

Micah's skin is so beautiful. What a blessing to have him healthy now after all you guys have been through. He seems like such a perfect boy. Hope I get to see him soon!

The Hickman Family said...

What a cutie! And his skin looks so healthy. That makes me happy. I too believe that little boys hold a special place in their mommies hearts. Happy birthday little one.

Dean and Cindy Hatch said...

We are so happy for the miracle. Micah is adorable! What a blessing that is. We know you have been through A LOT.

Ben and Janelle said...

Oh, Alicia...he looks wonderful!! I am so happy for you that things are going so well now. Sounds like you love your little boy and that you helped him to have a really good birthday! :)

Amy said...

Seriously. What a miraculous restoration of health. I know it is because of your amazing faith and dedication. I hear you on the mama's boys bit. My boy gives me all kinds of joy and love. Girls do too... but what Rock and I have is different. Happy happy birthday Micah. Love the update.

Marisa said...

What great stories! That's quite a picture of poor Micah (the last one)! I'm also so happy for him and for you all that he's better!!
Hope you are well! Thank you again for all your wonderful help before we left Boulder!