Monday, December 21, 2009

Golden Slumbers

When Sage was born my sister-in-laws made me promise that I would sleep train her. I read half a dozen book on the subject and at 11 weeks we went to work. It was easy and we were happy.


Night 1: cried 30 minutes
Night 2: cried 40 minutes
Night 3: cried 30 minutes
Night 4: slept 12 hours straight (plus 2-2 hour naps during the day)

For some strange reason when it comes to Micah I have no will power and I waited 17 (long) weeks to sleep train him. We finally took the plunge last week.


Night 1: cried 2.5 hours (plus 2 night wakings with lots more crying)
Night 2: cried 3 hours (plus 1 night waking)
Night 3: cried 1 hour
Night 4: Some crying

Yikes! I'm not sure if he's just more persistent than Sage or if he can cry longer because he's older.

It was painful to hear him cry so much but the payoff is huge: a happier baby and two rested parents.


Emily Judd said...

way to go! I honestly think my second was a lot harder and more persistent. Good luck!

Camille said...

Dido that! Spencer has been way harder in the sleeping area than Sydney. I am a softie with Spencer. I was tough and by the book with Sydney. Good work getting through it though.