Friday, February 4, 2011

funny little thing called Sage

Taking Micah for a ride.

Driving home from school:

S: Did you see his hair?"
A: "Shoot I missed it. What was it like?"
S: "It was like....a muffin."

I peeked in the rear view mirror to see the dude in question....he had a giant 'fro. Gives a new meaning to the word muffin top.


Shane was having a hard time getting his ski boots on one morning recently and Sage had some wisdom to share:

"Just think about skiing, not your boots. I think about cake when I eat my salad and then I don't taste it."


Kassie said...

oh goodness so cute!! and that picture is darling!

Emily Judd said...

i miss sage! love it!

i wish i could think about cake when i eat my salad, but then it just gives me an overwhelming desire to make a I give in...which totally cancels out any health benefits of a salad :D

Camille said...

Sage is such a smart girl. I love the things she says.

The Hickman Family said...

Ha I love it! Tell Sage I'm going to think about cake when I eat my salad too!