Sunday, June 12, 2011


A candid by Sage...pardon the messy study.

We're best friends, we look out for one another,
We're best friends, we take care of each other
I know you and you know me,
We fit together like puzzle pieces.
When I wake up in the morning it's you I want to's you I want to see.

--Frances England

We celebrated our eighth anniversary last month.  After almost a decade together I've decided that wine and marriages get better with age (just pretend I know what I'm talking about when it comes to wine).

Shane and I have become a real team this past year.  During this rollercoaster of a year we've clung to each other and tried to enjoy, and sometimes just survive, the ride.  We have agonized together as we've watched Micah suffer, sat together in the wee hours of the morning taking turns holding Micah.  Together we've pleaded with the Lord for help and direction.  We've worked together cooking and cleaning, caring for our little family and building a business.  We experienced the joy of Haven's birth, just the two of us.  We've laughed and cried (well I cry, he holds me) and been stretched in ways we never could have imagined.

Reflecting on this year brings a Quaker Proverb to mind: "Thee lift me and I'll lift thee and we'll ascend together."  This year I learned that Heavenly Father wants us to go through life two by two. And here's why: because sometimes I feel like I can't go on; I need Shane to take my hand and be strong for me until I can be strong again.  And then I do the same for him.  And together we grow.


Cynthia Hatch said...

This is a beautiful post. Thank you!

Emily Judd said...

love this. happy anniversary you two!

Kassie said...

beautifully said.

Heather - said...

Hi, I'm married to James Hatch - Shane's cousin. We've never met, but I read your blog all the time, hope you don't mind :) I never comment, but I wanted to tell you how beautiful this post is. I love the picture at the top, and I love the message in the post. James and I have had some rather large trials to deal with the over the last year or so, and even though they're different from what you're dealing with, what you've written in this post really resonates with me. Thanks for posting.

Sarah H said...

Awww...happy 8 years!

Allison said...

Oh my goodness Alicia. You guys are so darling. Whenever I read your blog I always wish we were best friends. :) Can't wait to see you. xxoox

Andy said...

Was doing one of my quarterly purviews of our own family blog and, as usual, followed the links in the comments to see how our friends are doing.

We think about you guys a lot - and admire you! Whenever I'm about to chew my toungue in half from the chaos of Camille's and my 3 kids, I feel ashamed thinking about how strong you guys are. I hope you guys are doing well.

How 'bout that temple announcement? I guess you guys are probably still closer to Littleton, but still, it's exciting news for any Coloradan!

Amy said...

Beautiful. You are a great couple. A couple to look up too. Love you!