Thursday, July 31, 2008

"C" is for Careless Housekeeper

Sage is learning how to wipe her own bum (how's that for an intro?)and as she was making an assisted wipe she glanced down and....

S: "Do you know what hair letter I see?"

A: (wondering what the heck she's talking about) "Nope. Which hair letter do you see?"

S: "The letter C!!"


Melissa Walton said...

C is also for cute Sage! I love their little minds and what they see when we might just see a mess!

Unknown said...

What a great letter! She sould have entire alphabet at our house. LOL. I have so much hair and I'm always shedding. Ugh.

Erin R. said...

Too cute!

Sarah H said...

So funny! I was showing Jason your blog because i love it. You share such short, cute, funny stories.
I still wipe my boys bums. It's getting old to say the least.