Thursday, August 7, 2008

An End and A Beginning

We spent our last day with Amy and her darling girls who are moving to Spain (just for a year thankfully). The sand, the sun, the surfers at San Onofre...we soaked it all up!

After some a good long frolic in the surf and sand Sage and I headed to.....

....the Rainbow store and bought her very first pair of Rainbows!
I think this is the start of a life lived in flip flops.

At BYU I remember thinking that Californians were crazy...wearing their flimsy flip flops in all kinds of weather. Oh, but now I understand...Rainbows are like butter, like second skin. Shane and I wear them constantly and I have a feeling that, wherever we end up, we'll always be crazy Californians with our Rainbows permanently attached to our feet.

1 comment:

B, C and b said...

Oh we totally get it! We are definitely a slipper family - for LIFE! And Brian is a board short, t-shirt wearing guy for LIFE (dressing up to him is putting on a nicer pair of shorts) - but that's another story. :)