Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Listen Up

Lux Land
, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Let's start with her name; yes that is her real name. But it's her sound that gets me...it's as fresh and clean as a spring morning. The beauty of Lux is that her songs are just as appealing on the 20th listen as they are on the 1st.

Listen up here. Listen to all the songs if you have time!


mb said...

you must be blogging right now! i just saw this post appear! :) i love all the music you post! you turned me onto pandora!

emily said...

her vocal quality reminds me Alison Kraus. SO lovable.

mb said...

have you heard of lenka yet? i put one of her songs on my music player a while ago. i like it. i think it's called "the show" but another place it was called mp3. i'm not sure which one was right. on my music player, though its called "the show."

Sarah H said...
