Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's Happening: Micah Edition

When Micah first got sick, in January 2010, he would scratch constantly during naps and at night, resulting in lots of blood and a sad, sad boy.  My ever-resourceful dad and brother created a special bed for him.  He slept in that little bed for 20 months, his hands tied down with zip ties.

Micah has been doing so well (minimal scratching and sleeping well) we let him go zip tie free over the TG break. He didn't know what to do with himself at first.  Many nights we would peek in and see him lying flat on his back with his arms semi-spread eagle---his old sleeping arrangement.  After a few weeks he settled in to sleeping on his tummy, curled up with his loveys.

And at long last Mr. Micah sleeps through the night... most nights.

Santa brought Micah some wheels...a Strider.  He's not sure about it yet.

Sage shared her chocolate reindeer with him on Christmas morning.  Chocolate is a no-no food but anything goes on Christmas, right?.  Micah was thrilled to say the least.  "I really, really like it."

First time sledding.  He has a love-hate relationship with the hill...mostly hate.

First snowman. "I want to svoove it down." (translation: I want to smooth it down)

He loves "Russel Sprouts" as he calls them. Micah's never met a vegetable, or any food for that matter, that he doesn't like.

He loved lentil soup but the lentil soup didn't love him as evidenced by the puffy, red lips.  Poor kiddo.

First official haircut.  Ashleigh comes to our house for cuts...woot woot!

 Micah always sleeps with "Dressy Bessy" and "Mr. Monkey."  Dressy Bessy was Sage's; she's a special doll that helps you learn to button, tie and zip.  For some reason Micah decided he loves her. 

Micah loves to get bundled up and go outside to play.  And then within 5 minutes he's ready to come back inside.

He loves "geen svoovies" (green smoothies)


Camille said...

Micah is looking so good and he is super handsome. I can't believe how grown-up Sage looks too. Now we need some pictures of Haven!

Emily Judd said...

oh my goodness he is so big and so handsome! I am SO glad he is sleeping through the night for you. Cant wait for Havens update!