Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's Happening: Sage Edition

Before her first Boulder Children's Chorale Concert.

 She's in a cute little choir that practices at a church literally 3 blocks from us.  She loves it.  Her director is a bear (i.e. I emailed her to tell her that Sage would have to miss a concert and in response she demanded to know why and we proceeded to email back and forth---her emails?  Not so nice)

Sage's new wheels & poncho from Grandma Mia

Sage couldn't wait to get out on her new scooter.  Here she is on Christmas Day (our fake Christmas day---explanation in future).  Nothing deterrred her, not snow or muddy puddles or the cold.  Actually she pooped out after a block but no need to dwell on that.


We began reading the BOM to Sage when she was two.  We got through one verse (two if we were lucky) a night for the first two years, then we upped it to a column a night, next a page a night.  Then in November, Sage set a goal to finish by the end of the year which bumped her up to two pages a night.  She was mighty proud when she finished (her parents too!).  She's continuing to read two pages a night so she can finish it again before her baptism in February 2013.

This mama doesn't buy school photos.  Call me Ebeneezer Scrooge but I didn't want to pay $30 for no mucho pictures.  So instead I just got my handy dandy Grab tool off the Mac and cut the picture out of the online viewing gallery.  I might seem like a criminal but on my honor I will never, ever print this photo.  I just wanted a copy for posterity's sake.

Sage lost her first two teeth!  She's pretty excited.  It's fun seeing her grow-up.  She lost both teeth at school.  The school nurse puts your tooth in a little tooth necklace and send you home with it.  Sage wore that necklace like a badge of honor


Emily Judd said...

Sage looks so incredibly grown up in her school picture! I love it. I am so very impressed by the BOM stuff. You are amazing

Kassie said...

I love her picture she looks so pretty and so grown up! can you believe she will be 7 soon? you should post your email exchange with the choir teacher...might be funny ;)